Crook and District Athletic Club
Training nights and events

2011 New Members Information

Please see training times below.

If you want to have a go at running in 2011 or are already an experienced runner then come to Crook AC, we want you NOW! It's a great time to join Crook, we have a lot of new members of varying abilities and our Tuesday sessions regularly attract over 40 members.

Unsure? Come down this Tuesday and give it a try, no obligation. Have a chat with current members, join in the session or just jog around the outside of the track and watch. No pressure, we want you to have fun.

We don't bite! Contact Jason Allison (Club Captain) via email for a chat.

Crook Athletic Club Track Etiquette

The following is a guide to behaviour on the track and should be adhered to (for your own safety and the safety of others) on club nights (Tuesday 1800-1930 and Thursday 1800-1900).

 Rules and Guidance

Ø  Warm up/cool down normally clockwise direction

Ø  Main session/intervals anti-clockwise direction

Ø  Fastest lane on the left/most inner lane

Ø  Lanes 1 and 2 for those runners doing a session

Ø  Please take your recovery on your right side of the track – Lane 4 and 5

Ø  When running an interval and approaching members on recovery, shout “TRACK!”, and the members will move out of the way, to the right.  Always give plenty of warning time.

Ø  During your recovery, if you hear “TRACK!” from behind, please move out of the way to the right.

Ø  Do not undertake runners or those in recovery onto the grass – this may cause collision and injury!

Ø  Never stand in lanes 1 and 2, and always look left and right before crossing the track.

Ø  When you finish an interval, look over your shoulder and move to your right as you stop.  Do not move left as another runner might be behind you.

Ø  If you do wish to use headphones (this is not recommended), please be aware of other runners and look over your shoulder before moving lanes or stopping.

Ø  Please no pets on the track.

Ø  If children are on the track, please ensure they are aware of other runners, and supervise any young children.

Ø  If a faster athlete is passing a slower one, no athlete has precedence, the faster will pass the slower one, just like in a race.

Ø  If you wish to use your mobile on the track, please keep away from the lanes, especially lanes 1 and 2.

Ø  Use litter bins provided and leave our track in a tidy condition.

Ø  Look after your belongings.


Thank you and enjoy the track!

Training Times & Club Events

Training sessions take place at Peases West (The Track) Sports Centre, Tuesday is our most popular club night but we also meet on Thursday evenings. Our training sessions cater for all abilities, come and join in!

During the darker autumn and winter months bring a brightly coloured top, be seen and be safe!

Training sessions are:

6:00-7:30pm every Tuesday
These sessions are mostly based on the track and vary from short efforts (200Metres) up to 1 Mile. The atmosphere on track is always very friendly and extra effort is made welcoming to newcomers.

6:00-7:15pm every Thursday

Contact Jason or another official for more information. Details of the training and other events can be found on the club notice-board or by our regular weekly club update.

Training sessions are available by email for members if required.


Other training events are held throughout the week at various venues and times. Here is a list of current gatherings where club (and other) members get together for a run.

1st Tuesday of every month it's the Crook AC Handicap where members run against the clock (and each other). Distance range from 2 to 3.5M @ The Track.

Club members only 10K & 5K race.
Held every summer @ The Track.

Club members only Trail Handicap Race
Held every summer, a nice uphill and a nice downhill 3M Distance @ The Track.

06:00pm - Monday - Woodhouse Close Leisure Centre
Go for a run around the trails and paths from Bishop Auckland that lasts (usually) an hour.


Noakes' Laws - some common sense advice

There is lots of advice available for runners - some of them conflicting and often confusing. Professor Tim Noakes, a well-respected sports scientist from South Africa, has provided the following guidelines, compiled from a number of sources:

  1. During any one year, train for 10 months and take a holiday from running for two.
  2. Don't be ashamed to walk during any training run. Maximum benefit on any run is achieved by training at between 60 and 90 percent of your MHR (Maximum Heart Rate).
  3. The important element of training is the amount of time you spend running each week, not the speed at which you run or the distance you cover.
  4. All training schedules should be treated as guidelines, not concrete regulations. Learn to listen to your body so you can judge your own most effective schedule.
  5. Always allow time for a hard run's micro-damage to your body to repair and for your energy stocks to replenish.
  6. Find your happy training medium between the two adages 'No pain, no gain' and 'Train without strain'.
  7. Don't race during training runs. Run races of over 10 miles only infrequently.
  8. Running trains only the legs, not the upper body. Adding an activity such as swimming to your running programme is a good idea.
  9. Never over train. Watch out for sluggishness and lethargy, loss of appetite and increased infection susceptibility.
  10. Where possible work with a coach for encouragement and support.
  11. Success in running involves training the mind as much or more than the body.
  12. Rest before racing.
  13. Keep a training logbook. It will allow you to check exactly what training you did before your best race results.
  14. Everything you do, all day and every day, affects your running ability - nutrition, stress and sleep as well as exercise.

Professor Noakes, your training club, friends or family are not responsible for your training - advice is often given freely. It's up to you how you use it.


Books available to borrow

Feed your need for knowledge or just find something to catch your interest. The club has a number of books available to borrow for its members; just ask the member to bring it in - and do try to keep the biscuit crumbs and coffee stains off the pages. Loan your books too.. just send me an - please include the Title, ISBN and Your Name; I'll add it and other details to the list. Cheers!

Training / Exercise
The Complete Guide to Cross Training
Author: Fiona Hayes
Pub: 1998, A & C Publishers.
ISBN: 0-7136-4883-X
Member: John Nightingale
Blurb: Adapt your training programme to use different activities and sports in order to provide variety and reduce the risk of injury whilst improving all-round fitness.

Fit For Life
Author: Ranulph Fiennes
Pub: 1998, Little Brown Book.
ISBN: 0-316-64476-5
Member: John Nightingale
Blurb: Whether you are an aspiring Eco-Challenger, an amateur sportsman or someone simply trying to burn off the calories, Fit For Life will help you reach your personal best - and stay there.

Nutrition / Diet
Food for Sport
Author: Judy Ridgway with Jane Griffin
Pub: 1998, Boxtree Publishers.
ISBN: 0-7522-2140-X
Member: John Nightingale
Blurb: Which foods give you the right fuel to excel in your sport? Whether you require slow release energy for endurance sports, a quick-energy fix, or real bulk for muscle power, the right diet is vital.
Marathon! The Story of the Greatest Race on Earth
Author: Timothy Collings and Stuart Sykes
Pub: 2004, Virgin Books.
ISBN: 1-85227-114-0
Member: John Nightingale
Blurb: From the legend of Pheidippides to the the story of Athens' original Olympic winner, Spiridon Louis, to the likes of Johannes Kolehmainen, Emil Zapotek, Abebe Bikila, Waldemar Cierpinski and Carlos Lopez, Marathon! is the story of dreams delivered, fantasies fractured and pain postponed. It is an epic tale of an epic event.
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These details are given as a guideline to training events/information and should be confirmed to avoid disappointment. Errors or omissions can be reported by email to the .

Page last updated on January 18th 2011.